Places Skagway Locals Go

During the winter, you can find Skagway locals at the Hardware Store where refreshments are available to everyone regardless of their age!
If you’re visiting Skagway, you probably want to know where the locals hang out. This makes sense because you are a smart traveler seeking authentic Alaskan experiences. Good for you! In today’s blog, we are going to talk about the places Skagway local go so that you can visit them too. Isn’t that a great idea?
There are places Skagway locals probably don’t go
You can narrow down your search for places Skagway locals go by determining where they don’t go. For example, Skagway locals don’t have much use for chain store jewelry, so you’re probably not going to find them hanging out in a jewelry store you can find in any other port. The same is true for hotels because Skagway locals own homes and rent apartments, so they have no reason to stay in a local hotel unless they’re up to something.
These are the places Skagway locals go
I am going to list each place where you can find an authentic Skagway local and then tell you about what you can find in that place. Very informative!
The Skagway Hardware Store – Located on Broadway and 4th Avenue, the Skagway Hardware Store is one of the most popular places for locals to hang out. You may see a local buying a gun, browsing the aisles, or just flapping their gums at the employees for no reason whatsoever.
The Fairway Market – Locals have to eat, which is why you will find them shopping at the Fairway Market, also known as IGA. Tourists and Canadians also shop at the market, so how can you identify a local? They will be the people complaining. Feel free to walk up to a local in the Fairway Market and strike up a conversation about your supermarket back home. Locals love that!
The Elks Lodge – If you’re a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, you can check out the Skagway Lodge and meet all sorts of friendly locals. After a hard day’s work in the tourism industry, locals find it refreshing to sip on a beer and hear all about what tourists did during their day in Skagway. Be sure to tell them how to improve the town because constructive criticism is always welcome.
Wells Fargo – Locals agree that Wells Fargo is wonderful bank with many investment opportunities that will knock your socks off. My dog also gets free treats from Wells Fargo, so he is a super fan. Be sure to stop by the bank and you may get to see my dog for yourself. Now that’s a local experience you will never forget!
The Post Office – Is there any life experience more rewarding than a visit to the Post Office? No. If you go to the post office and have to wait in the rapidly-moving line, strike up a conversation with a local and get the facts about Skagway. You can always spot a local because they are attractive and eager to ragale you with stories about life in Alaska.
Have fun meeting locals!
Now that you’re familiar with the places Skagway locals go, we hope you get to meet all sorts of friendly locals as they go about their daily lives. If you happen to meet a local in the bar, be sure to buy them a beer and tell them what a good job they’re doing. Skagway locals work hard so that you can have an unforgettable vacation experience.