Skagway Helicopter Tours
Tips for First-Timers

Skagway helicopters tours are fun. You should take one and live life to the fullest. When are you going to be in Alaska again?
Every day in the M&M tour booth, we meet people who have never flown in a helicopter. Many of them are eager to try it but nervous about flying in a hunk of metal with a few hundred thousand moving parts. Skagway helicopter tours are amazing for a variety of reasons, so there’s no reason to let your nervousness get in the way of a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Today’s blog is for anyone that may be a little nervous about flying in a helicopter but doesn’t want to forego a chance to see Alaska from the sky.
Why are people afraid to ride in a helicopter?
I’ve been a tour salesperson for a long time. I’ve heard just about everything you can hear from tourists. Almost daily, a tourist will come into the tour booth interested in one of our Skagway helicopter tours but then make one of the following statements:
- “I’ve never flown in a helicopter?”
- “Will I get motion sick in a helicopter?”
- “Are helicopters safe?”
- “There is no way you’re going to get me in one of those things!”
We are going to break each one of these comments down to help alleviate your fear of flying in a helicopter.
I’ve never flown in a helicopter
Sometimes the fear of the unknown can be a real drag. Some people are intimidated by new experiences and that’s okay. But if you want to stand on a glacier or go dog mushing on snow, you’re going to have to experience the joys of flying in a helicopter. One of the best parts about all of our Skagway helicopter tours is that you get to hover over mountains, glaciers, and sometimes even wild animals. You can’t do that from an airplane unless something went terribly wrong.
Will I get motion sick in a helicopter
While some people can motion sick just from laying on a raft in a pool, most people are less likely to get motion sick in a helicopter than an automobile or airplane. If you’re hypersensitive to motion sickness, take some motion sickness medication and roll with it. However, most people will not get motion sickness by riding in a chopper.
Are helicopters safe?
The reason tourists ask this question is because they are nervous about flying in a helicopter. I get it. Ultimately, nobody wants to die because it’s one of the leading reasons for not being alive. Fear of dying prevents humans from doing all sorts of fun things. However, keep in mind that nothing you do in life is “safe.”
The word “safe” literally means, “protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost.” By definition, taking a shower isn’t “safe.” Eating isn’t “safe.” In fact, you are far more likely to die in your shower or from choking on a piece of food than in a helicopter. Always remember, helicopter pilots also do not want to die. They make sure to fly helicopters that are properly maintained so that they continue living.
There is no way you’re going to get me in one of those things!
Do you know what’s funny about this comment? The fact that quite a few people who say it ends up going on one of our Skagway helicopter tours. Nobody is going to force you onto a helicopter but the truth is that it’s one of the premier tours in Skagway and you really should take some sort of flightseeing tour while you’re in Alaska.
One last piece of advice
If taking one of our Skagway helicopter tours is something you simply have to do, book your tour right now. All of our helicopter tours sell out daily and I’ve seen a lot of very disappointed people over the years. Don’t be one of them. Arrange your tour today and enjoy one of Alaska’s truly incredible experiences.